Saturday, 21 September 2013


{Harper} Swapping bath time for shower time this week.

*Two photos I know, but I couldn't resist. I blame the cute-as-can-be-stuck together eyelashes.

{Finn} Hiding from Harper.
The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me)
{due to Lachie being sick on Father's Day we had belated celebration lunch. Finn announced to anyone who made eye contact with him "It's Father's Day today!" He was met with lots of confused looks. Happy Father's day Lachie. What a lucky pair these two are to have you as their Dad.}
{trademark concentration face}
{a post lunch visit to the top of Mt Ainslie. Our venture was cut short due to Harper sliding down a gravel path. Band-Aids weren't going to cut it, so we made a quick exit.}
{Her Daddy taught her how to hopscotch this week}
{Finn captured this beauty of Harper}
{A rainy day escape to the National Museum café. I bought a packed lunch for the kids but I did buy them a drink they could share*. As they each took their turn with the straw, the other would stare and tap on the bench until the popper was handed over.
*See I'm not completely cheap. }
{more sharing}
{another rainy day = cubby house building}
{my baking assistant}
{this photo perfectly sums up most of my efforts to get my two in the same frame: one not so keen.}


  1. love em all amber!!! ohhhhh those shower shots of H are amazing. love the black sticky lashes! Finn is just too grown up. i cant handle it! btw his shot of H is beautiful - a reallllly nice portrait of her, just lovely. haha at the shared drink - my two are exactly the same - dont take their eye off it for a milisecond!!!! btw - popper - very QLD expression or do they say that in NSW too.I get confused haha but love the variation for juice boxes. glad you got in a well deserved fathers day outing too! xx

  2. Finn and Harper. I LOVE those names. I also have a friend who has a Finn and Harper too! Your children are beautiful, and it seems like Finn is a photographer in the making. Stunning photo! Lovely to stop by your lovely blog. x

  3. That image of Lachie and the kiddies is stunning, one to treasure for sure. And I love the last one - if that is your normal experience taking photos of both kids together then girl, you do a damn good job getting so many photos of the two together every week!

  4. Those black and whites!! I would put that first one on my wall (though I actually have not printed a single DD picture yet, so am no great example!). Just perfect. And her expression in the last one is so funny. It really feels like you capture the real them, and so beautifully too. The story of the shared drink is so funny.
