Tuesday, 31 December 2013

52/52 {last one}


{Harper}  While I do love all the action/in the moment shots I got of Harper this year, it is always the traditional portraits that stand out for me.

 {Finn} Reading out his cracker joke on Christmas day.
{The B-sides}
{icing the gingerbread house - $5.99 at ALDI - winner!}
{tasting the icing sugar, or as Harper told me "I'm just taking it off her face 'cause she can't see"}
{new pjs on Christmas eve- a family tradition}
{Christmas morning}
{they FINALLY got to crack open the gingerbread house}
{off to the movies to see 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2, with their first container of cinema bought popcorn}

That's it, another year and another photography project comes to a close. I'm really thankful that I documented 2013. This year is the end of a very significant period in my life; my last year of being a full time stay at home mum. Next year big changes occur; Preschool for Harper, Kindergarten for Finn and returning to teaching part-time and returning to uni for me.
Moments big and small that were captured in 2013 will be different next year. I accept that I wont be able to document them in ways that I have in past years too. But boy and I grateful for the time I had over the past six years to focus, capture and tuck away these images for future days.

2013 was a good year for us. I've bundled up a snapshot of our year, from start to finish, that you can find here.
Happy New Year friends!

Friday, 27 December 2013


{Harper}  You're not a true Aussie kid unless you know how to strip the flesh from a mango seed.

 {Finn} Busting a move at his end of year school disco. After a very busy day of school I didn't think he would have any energy left to dance. I was mistaken. This little vid was taken towards the end of the disco when he was slowing down a bit. His first question when we left school "When will the next disco be?"
{The B-sides}
{playing with gingerbread playdough with her little mate Evie}
{wiping her vegemite face}
{happy birthday to me! awesome cake made by lachie}
{early morning gingerbread cookie baking}
{collecting raindrops}
{a mid bike ride ice cream treat}


Saturday, 14 December 2013


{Harper}  A night out to see the Christmas lights. A night that will go down in Kite family history as one of the worst family outings we have experienced. Stories that Lachie and I will remember for years to come. Stories that aren't fit for internet publication. You will know we have all recovered from this embarrassing night if we attempt to go light spotting next Christmas. Argh, kids!

 {Finn} This is Finn all over. He loves playing and REALLY wanted to attempt to roll down the National Arboretum hill (after passing on it last time) BUT he didn't want to get any grass clippings on him. Ah, what to do, what to do? This is him having a great time rolling down the hill, all while trying to lift his head to avoid said grass. Oh Finn!  
{The B-sides}
{not worried about the glass clippings, obviously}
{Finn: "Mum, can I show you how I wink?"
"Was that a wink?"
Me: "Getting there buddy!"}
{Now your turn harps}
{a drawing Finn submitted to the 'Giggle Gallery' (an Australian children's tv show that displays children's art/drawings). We posted it on Tuesday and by Wednesday he was asking if "it would be shown today?" Good grief this will be the world's longest wait. I did mention that their website said that not all entries are shown on TV. That didn't go down well at all! Could be a good lesson in disappointment. I am bracing myself for the tears...and the many,many questions. }
{picking at the gingerbread house at his pre-school end of year celebration}
{all week I had been encouraging Finn to write Christmas cards for his pre-school friends. With each suggestion, he would quickly change the subject or tell me "I'll do it later". I knew with twenty cards to write there was no way he would preserve with the task if he felt pressured into it. So I waited. One morning I sat down at the craft table and cut up twenty squares and wrote one child's name on each piece of paper. Finn walked in and sat down next to me, "What's this?". I told him these were his pre-school friends names and hey would you like to play a little game with me? I put down one card at a time and told him if he could read the name to take the card and put it in front of him. I have seen him read some of these names before around his learning space at school so I knew he would experience success easily. His pile got higher and higher with gasps of "I know that one!" Once the game was over I placed the Christmas cards out on the table with some stickers and textas and he was straight into it. He sat for an hour and wrote on each card (I encouraged him to take a break, but he wouldn't!). He let out a deep sigh when he finished, "Good, now I can go to the toilet!" }
{the intense side}
{the bright side}

49/52 {oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree}

{Harper} Being the tactile girl that she is, Harper spends a lot of her time touching the decorations on our tree.

 {Finn} According to Finn, it's not a real Christmas tree until the lights are on.
{The B-sides}
{cuddling up to one of her birthday presents. I chose her solely on her cute name - 'Paprika Mae'}
{snow peas are growing in abundance and Finn and Harper are the chief pea pickers...and eaters}
{searching, searching, searching}
{play matters}
{Harper received a set of face paints for her birthday and her first subject was Finn. He was a little apprehensive about all of this, can you tell?}
{character Finn requested= a robber. the yellow bit on his chin is a gold tooth. The robber fascination has come from his LEGO city creations. I'm not overly thrilled with this new interest, especially when Finn proclaimed when we were driving in the car "So mum, when I grow up I want to be either a policeman....or a robber" Hoping you sway towards the good side of that spectrum buddy.}
{switching roles}
{a fairy princess of coarse!}
{round two. Captain Barnacles from the Octonauts}
{summer is here}