Saturday, 14 December 2013


{Harper}  A night out to see the Christmas lights. A night that will go down in Kite family history as one of the worst family outings we have experienced. Stories that Lachie and I will remember for years to come. Stories that aren't fit for internet publication. You will know we have all recovered from this embarrassing night if we attempt to go light spotting next Christmas. Argh, kids!

 {Finn} This is Finn all over. He loves playing and REALLY wanted to attempt to roll down the National Arboretum hill (after passing on it last time) BUT he didn't want to get any grass clippings on him. Ah, what to do, what to do? This is him having a great time rolling down the hill, all while trying to lift his head to avoid said grass. Oh Finn!  
{The B-sides}
{not worried about the glass clippings, obviously}
{Finn: "Mum, can I show you how I wink?"
"Was that a wink?"
Me: "Getting there buddy!"}
{Now your turn harps}
{a drawing Finn submitted to the 'Giggle Gallery' (an Australian children's tv show that displays children's art/drawings). We posted it on Tuesday and by Wednesday he was asking if "it would be shown today?" Good grief this will be the world's longest wait. I did mention that their website said that not all entries are shown on TV. That didn't go down well at all! Could be a good lesson in disappointment. I am bracing myself for the tears...and the many,many questions. }
{picking at the gingerbread house at his pre-school end of year celebration}
{all week I had been encouraging Finn to write Christmas cards for his pre-school friends. With each suggestion, he would quickly change the subject or tell me "I'll do it later". I knew with twenty cards to write there was no way he would preserve with the task if he felt pressured into it. So I waited. One morning I sat down at the craft table and cut up twenty squares and wrote one child's name on each piece of paper. Finn walked in and sat down next to me, "What's this?". I told him these were his pre-school friends names and hey would you like to play a little game with me? I put down one card at a time and told him if he could read the name to take the card and put it in front of him. I have seen him read some of these names before around his learning space at school so I knew he would experience success easily. His pile got higher and higher with gasps of "I know that one!" Once the game was over I placed the Christmas cards out on the table with some stickers and textas and he was straight into it. He sat for an hour and wrote on each card (I encouraged him to take a break, but he wouldn't!). He let out a deep sigh when he finished, "Good, now I can go to the toilet!" }
{the intense side}
{the bright side}


  1. ok, firstly, you know i am dying to hear the stories from the crazy night out when i see ya next!!! ;) but seriously, hope it wasnt too bad and maybe you will look back and laugh one day???! ;) KIDS indeed, huh! just LOVE the drawing Finn did and what a cute idea to send it in. and i am suuuuuper impressed with the way you engaged finn in writing cards for his friends - and his awesome mission in doing it all!! what a champ :) nice to see some portraits of Lach this week too! PS you know lily would be happy to provide winking tutorials :)

  2. Oh, wow, Amber!! I absolutely love that first shot of Finn. Everything about it is just perfect!

    The photo of Harper on Dad's back is really sweet. She looks adorable holding on tight with that wind blown hair. And those winking pictures,lol, so funny! They will love looking back on those. I really love the b/w photos of Finn too. He's a gorgeous boy.He just sparkles in that last one.

    btw - Sorry to hear the outing didn't go well. The way you write about it is so intriguing :-) The photo you used is perfect for what you've described. :-)

  3. Well now I want to know what happened!! LOL. You still managed a lovely photo out of it anyway so not all bad! Well done!

  4. Ummm you HAVE to post about the Christmas lights! What could have happened??? Or at least PM me about it ;)

    Love how you encouraged Finn to do the christmas card, he is quite the perfectionist that little one :) and I love his octonauts drawing, I hope it gets onto the giggle-gallery I know Finn would be stoked with that.

  5. Ummm you HAVE to post about the Christmas lights! What could have happened??? Or at least PM me about it ;)

    Love how you encouraged Finn to do the christmas card, he is quite the perfectionist that little one :) and I love his octonauts drawing, I hope it gets onto the giggle-gallery I know Finn would be stoked with that.

    And love that you included a few pics of Lachie too :)
