Monday, 2 December 2013

48/52 {the birthday girl}

{Harper} Yesterday you turned four. Finally. Since way back in February you have been talking about being a big four year old. You moved from telling people you are "three and a half" to "three and three quarters" and now you have reached that magical age you have longed for. Finn told you when you woke up on your birthday that you "looked taller". That made you happy.
When I think about you being four the first thing that pops in my head is that boring old cliché of time passing quickly. I can't believe it was only four years ago that you came into this world in one almighty hurry. I really can't.
In the lead up to your birthday I have been thinking about you and what you mean to me. When I focus in on what makes you you I can't help but think about how you have changed me. On this day which is all about you, I shouldn't be thinking about myself but it seems as though I can't separate the two. You are strong and abundantly loving. You are a helper, the one who always pitches in when something needs to be done. You are a nurturer and will look out for anyone (be that a baby doll or a real person) to care for. You are one of the most sociable people I know and you really do stand out in this family full of introverts. You are a masterful negotiator, with your most frequently used sentence being "Well, what about..........?" and you give the warmest snuggles around. For all of these qualities and more you have changed me. Your strength has made me stronger and more importantly your love has made me more loving. I love you Harps, my delightful girl.
- Mumma xx

 {Finn} Not usually a fan of face painting, your recent love for all things Batman swayed you.
*Finn you will notice this is a post with a lot of photos of Harper. Sorry about that. Next week I will aim to balance things out. I did capture this cute vid of you singing the They Might Be Giants song 'Dr Worm' though. I love it. I particularly loved it when I played it back to you and you exclaimed "Why does my voice sound like THAT!!!???"
{The B-sides}
{the cherry monster strikes again}
{opening an early birthday parcel from her aunty}
{walking out to the backyard to find her birthday present from us}
{A fairy garden!}
{inspecting her birthday cake}
{a fairy dolly varden cake from the famous Woman's Weekly Children's Birthday Cakes book. easiest birthday cake I have made to date}
{celebrating with Lily and her family}


  1. ooh i love it. you got some absolutely CRACKER portraits of H this week - wow they are breathtaking!!!! love them. and that kissing one with you is VERY precious indeed - well done :) we were sooooooo very spoilt that Harper wanted us there on her special day (even Mark said how special he felt, heehee!). It was delightful. and I am STILL gobsmacked at that fairy garden! you should have included a close up shot of it! I wanted to linger more over all the little details, you really did a beautiful job Amber, it is just so special... makes me well up just imaging the precious memories she will gather playing in that space. I know my daughter is now coveting that garden, haha - do you take orders?! ;) it was a very special birthday for an amazing little girl - well done, mama! xx

  2. Oh Harper. How could it have been 4 years since your mama worked amazingly hard to bring you into the world? I know you have challanged and inspired and rewarded your mama since that beautiful day and I know you are the absolute sunshine in her life. I hope you have the most amazing day gorgeous girl xx

    Amber, that B&W portrait of Harper = incredible! And the one of you both is so precious <3 Happy birthing day beautiful mama xxxxx
