{Harper} That grin - bam! She always reveals her personality quickly in front of the camera. Makes this project (well her side of it) a breeze.
{Finn} A camera avoider from way back. I go through most weeks silently hovering over him, hoping that he won't see the camera as he busies himself with play. This week up until about six hours ago I didn't have many photos of Finn. That was until I asked Lachie to help me out. I found the good light in our house, Lach asked Finn to sit down and began firing questions at him while I snapped away. When I finally captured his signature dimple smile I gave Lach the thumbs up and put the camera down. Finn's response: "Daddy can you ask me some more questions? I like your questions."
The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{"They are craters on the moon mum!"} |
{rescue worker headwear with light. he persisted with that strap until it fitted snuggly around his face} |
{"walking in the bush, walking in the bush, there is nothing quite like it, walking in the bush"
As long as I kept singing this on repeat she was happy for me to take photos as she wandered} |