Saturday, 25 May 2013



{Harper} That grin - bam! She always reveals her personality quickly in front of the camera. Makes this project (well her side of it) a breeze. 

{Finn} A camera avoider from way back. I go through most weeks silently hovering over him, hoping that he won't see the camera as he busies himself with play. This week up until about six hours ago I didn't have many photos of Finn. That was until I asked Lachie to help me out. I found the good light in our house, Lach asked Finn to sit down and began firing questions at him while I snapped away. When I finally captured his signature dimple smile I gave Lach the thumbs up and put the camera down. Finn's response: "Daddy can you ask me some more questions? I like your questions."

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{"They are craters on the moon mum!"}
{rescue worker headwear with light. he persisted with that strap until it fitted snuggly around his face}
{"walking in the bush, walking in the bush, there is nothing quite like it, walking in the bush"
 As long as I kept singing this on repeat she was happy for me to take photos as she wandered}

Sunday, 19 May 2013


{Harper} Happy to wash up the paint tools after a VERY messy indoor painting session.  

{Finn} He rarely looks directly at the camera, but when I bumped my head on the fluorescent light when climbing onto the kitchen bench his eyes were there. He may have laughed at me too.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{rainy autumn days}
{She's a master of the back cuddle}
{a cuddle that usually leads to the recipient being pushed over}
{now for my next trick....}
{Watching an army helicopter hover over our house. He later told me that he was very worried that it was going to land on us}
{roller painting on a rainy day}
{hmmm, painting on paper was fun but I wonder what it would be like to paint on my hands?}
{all forms of painting ultimately lead to finger painting with Harper}
{give this kids a milk bottle, cardboard box or toilet paper roll and he will turn it into something. Today's creation: an army helicopter}
{Finn recently began his first season of soccer. He is yet to fully grasp the game, but seems to be having fun running around. His favourite part of the game: "I like the drinks breaks Mum"}
{enjoying a solo bath and the opportunity to float in the tub}

Sunday, 12 May 2013


{Harper} A purple sequin dress: completely suitable attire for school pick up.  

{Finn}  safe with daddy.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{I surprised the kids at Friday afternoon's school pick up by giving them both an iceblock to eat before we walked home. The kids don't get things like this very often, evident by Finn asking: "Mummy did you make these at home?"}
{post birthday party grumps}
{Finn was so excited in the lead up to mother's day. On Friday afternoon he ran out of his classroom yelling:
 "Mummy I made you something for Mother's Day! Bet you can't guess what it is?"
Me: "Hmmm, is it a card?"
Finn: "OH NO, I didn't want you to find out!"

When he got home he promptly unpacked his bag, asked me to write the above words on a post-it note and stuck it to his bedroom door. The card was safe and sound in there.
What a funny, sweet boy.}
{Mother's Day breakfast at Mt Stromlo. This is the best 'mum and kids' shot in the batch. It's not perfect (Finny's 'get me outta here' face anyone?) but we are all in the frame and that is good enough for me.}
{the kids were fascinated by the remains of the observatory from the 2003 Canberra bushfires. Harper hasn't stopped talking about the "metal that was all brown and red and ruined"}
{So blessed to be able to spend my days with these two delights. Two complete characters who have made me wiser and stronger. Love them both. Big time.}
{ready for blast off}