Tuesday, 7 May 2013

18/52 {autumn days}

{Harper} I love Autumn colours, and this girl's smile.

{Finn}  Painting with autumn leaves and autumn colours, while singing this song by Holly Throsby.

In the autumn
All the leaves turn golden colours
Like a fire burning so bright
Like a satellite up in space, past the sky.
These are the seasons as I see them
They cannot see me
They don't have eyes!
These are the seasons as I see them
Autumn, winter, spring and summertime.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{a sick boy and an attentive nurse}
{Finn often sidles up to me and announces, "I have a brilliant idea!" Today's idea was to take clipboards and textas up to the park so that we could "draw what we see". What can I say? I think my teacher genes are rubbing off}
{this Friday I picked the kids up from school and headed straight for the lake to take some autumn photos of my pair. This is something I wouldn't attempt to do on my own this late in the day so I was lucky that my very talented and also very lovely friend Bec came along with her boys to help me capture a few seasonal moments with Finn & Harper. Thank you for your encouragement and support Bec. x} 
{and when you run out of tea {juice} just pour yourself a cup of almonds}
{Bec's gorgeous son didn't quite know what to make of Harper rumbling with him}


  1. these are FULL of autumn deliciousness! love them all. what fun painting w the leaves... and i love the shots you took out w bec. such gorgeous colours and light - and kiddos too of course. what a clever boy w his drawing ideas!!! go finny :)

    1. Thanks Kate! I was very happy with the shots I got on our little adventure with Bec and her boys. It is certainly a little easier trying to get "real" moments with my two when someone else was there to help!

  2. Beautiful shots! I just love this time of year, you have captured it perfectly xx

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment :) I think Autumn is my favourite season, especially in Canberra where the change is so distinct.

  3. What a great blog! I love the idea. These photographs are great!

  4. Love that hair blowing in the wind. Perfectly Autumnal. :)

    1. Thank you so much Mary for your comment. The wind was a little crazy that afternoon. Lucky that Harper doesn't seem to be bothered by the wind or the cold in Canberra :)

  5. I love the stunning vibrant colours, what a beautiful job you did. This weeks portrait of Harper in front of the trees and the first of the B-sides with the leaves in the foreground and the tall trees behind are my favourites. I love how the autumn colours are a theme through the whole post with the paints and almonds and leaves. Lovely.

  6. WOnderful Amber, I love them all, particularly how they blend together with the autumnal colours of Harper's dress and the paint colours - clever you! I wish we had autumn here in SE QLD, - I love the vibrancy of the change of season.
