Sunday, 12 May 2013


{Harper} A purple sequin dress: completely suitable attire for school pick up.  

{Finn}  safe with daddy.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{I surprised the kids at Friday afternoon's school pick up by giving them both an iceblock to eat before we walked home. The kids don't get things like this very often, evident by Finn asking: "Mummy did you make these at home?"}
{post birthday party grumps}
{Finn was so excited in the lead up to mother's day. On Friday afternoon he ran out of his classroom yelling:
 "Mummy I made you something for Mother's Day! Bet you can't guess what it is?"
Me: "Hmmm, is it a card?"
Finn: "OH NO, I didn't want you to find out!"

When he got home he promptly unpacked his bag, asked me to write the above words on a post-it note and stuck it to his bedroom door. The card was safe and sound in there.
What a funny, sweet boy.}
{Mother's Day breakfast at Mt Stromlo. This is the best 'mum and kids' shot in the batch. It's not perfect (Finny's 'get me outta here' face anyone?) but we are all in the frame and that is good enough for me.}
{the kids were fascinated by the remains of the observatory from the 2003 Canberra bushfires. Harper hasn't stopped talking about the "metal that was all brown and red and ruined"}
{So blessed to be able to spend my days with these two delights. Two complete characters who have made me wiser and stronger. Love them both. Big time.}
{ready for blast off}


  1. ok firstly, what is the paper stuck on finn's shirt?? i know there is an awesome finn-story there, lol!! the b&w icypole shot is just perfect.... love how they are turned to each other and so very very excited! hope your mother;s day was wonderful - looks like a great outing and i looooove the shot of the 3 of you - hey just like motherhood it ain't perfectly posed but its real and those kids just adore you!

    1. Well of coarse there is a "Finn story" to those paper bits to his shirt ;) I just thought it was a little too obscure to record here. Boy do you know my Finn well!
      So....... he was getting dressed for our breakfast this morning and he told me that he wanted to wear something "smart" today. I held up the stripy top that he is wearing in the pic and he was so disappointed, stating "but it doesn't have pockets! It needs to have pockets!" I explained that all his pocket shirts were short sleeved and it was too cold to wear short sleeves today. He agreed and went ahead and got dressed. .....Next thing I know Finn walks out with the bits of paper stuck to his shirt with masking tape. I asked him what they were? Simple answer: "I made my own pockets Mummy." Now THAT's a Finn story isn't it. Him in a nutshell :P :P

  2. i especially love that first photo of your girl. the clouds looks so perfectly shaped, like they were cut out and stuck on, and her smile and her posture, it make me feel happy to look x

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. The clouds were pretty amazing that day.

  3. Another stunning week! That first picture of Harper is gorgeous: the rough ground and litter juxtaposed with her sparkly dress and joyous expression. Finn's expression in his portrait really shows how the safety he feels allows him to climb and explore in thoughts and actions. The black and white of their shared happiness about the ice-blocks is PERFECTION. I also really like how you used the window frames and love the pocket story. Your blog is such a pleasure.

    1. Oh Julia you always write the sweetest things! Thanks for taking a look and commenting :)

  4. Like Julia said, another stunning week! That first shot of Harper is wonderful. She looks so confident and carefree, like maybe she's dancing or telling a story. I love your Mother's Day photo! wonder your children are so beautiful, their mother is gorgeous! You remind me of Naomi Watts :-) Another favorite is the one of them on their tippy toes trying to reach the window. I love the contrast of the old building and their colorful clothes. And that last shot is really special. Not only have you captured something imaginative, you've captured it in the perfect spot...the composition and blue sky are so compelling.

    1. Thanks Faith for your kind comment. You have summed up Harper's personality perfectly. Yes she was dancing :) I was encouraging her to move her dance so he body wasn't in front of the tall building behind her, but she doesn't respond well to instruction ;)
      P.S. Naomi Watts??!! - Blush!
