Saturday, 25 May 2013



{Harper} That grin - bam! She always reveals her personality quickly in front of the camera. Makes this project (well her side of it) a breeze. 

{Finn} A camera avoider from way back. I go through most weeks silently hovering over him, hoping that he won't see the camera as he busies himself with play. This week up until about six hours ago I didn't have many photos of Finn. That was until I asked Lachie to help me out. I found the good light in our house, Lach asked Finn to sit down and began firing questions at him while I snapped away. When I finally captured his signature dimple smile I gave Lach the thumbs up and put the camera down. Finn's response: "Daddy can you ask me some more questions? I like your questions."

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{"They are craters on the moon mum!"}
{rescue worker headwear with light. he persisted with that strap until it fitted snuggly around his face}
{"walking in the bush, walking in the bush, there is nothing quite like it, walking in the bush"
 As long as I kept singing this on repeat she was happy for me to take photos as she wandered}


  1. Love these Amber. My faves (for what it's worth!) the third one down of Finn (of the B-Sides) - LOVE the composition, the moment - you've captured him in his avoidance beautifully. i.e. he's not engaging with you, but he's not shying away from you saying 'get that thing out of my face' - he's just quietly getting on with it. and you nailed the focus on his gorgeous lashes. stunning.
    And the first two of Harper in the cute blue/green dress. A (maybe rare?) contemplative stance for her. Love the compositions and the processing - perfect for the setting.
    I ramble...
    Love the last post too Amber (:

  2. Gosh those black and whites are beautiful. You can see the essence of Finn so perfectly. Harper laying in the leaves is another highlight and I love the image of you singing and snapping away as she walks in the bush!! The resulting pictures are my absolute favourites this week. The colours, her natural expressions and your wonderful use of depth of field: utterly luvverly!

  3. gorgeous - love the outtakes/extras too and the one with the autumn leaves is beautiful

  4. Lovely photos! The out takes are great. I have a habitual camera averse child too.

  5. oh what a magnificent job you did capturing those smiles i know and love so well! just gorgeous and stunning in the b&w. ohhhh the bush walking ones w harper are just so magical - love the colours and i can just see her cruising along. well done hon x

  6. Your two portraits this week are stunning, as always. I also love the shots of Harper walking through the bush. Whatever magical bribery you used, it was worth it! Especially the second one in that series - beautiful color and perspective.
