Sunday, 4 August 2013


{Harper}  Playing happily in her room, surrounded by the afternoon sunlight.

{Finn} An 'F' made from sultanas on his morning porridge. From time to time over the remainder of the day he would turn to me and tell me "Daddy put an 'F' on my porridge. Do you think he will do that again?" A gentle reminder that small surprises make a difference to our little loves.
The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me
{lazy and cosy Sunday morning reading}
{hooked on lego}
{a simple blue rice* under the sea sensory box equals hours of imaginary play.
*quick and easy coloured rice method found here}
{a lip-smacking-good kind of apple}
{Oh the hokey pokey, oh the hokey pokey}
{he was only gone for two nights but we all REALLY missed him}
{a short tv break for two girls who spent a solid 4 hours in princess/wedding role play mode}
{making sure her baby can see the page}


  1. another wonderful week! so sweet to see lily in there, how cute are they all tucked in = powering up for another princess session, no doubt!the hokey pokey shot is awesome!!! love how intent they are following along. and the sea sensory boxes are just fantastic too. what fun!!! will have to get some rice-dying happening too, i can see! x

  2. Awwww, what a sweet boy Finn is that the highlight of his day is having his initial spelled out in dried fruit. :) And you're right, it's a great reminder that those little surprises can mean a lot.
    (One of the little boys I take care of was so excited the other day because he got to have a bath on his own as he usually bathes with his brother. He was in heaven being able to lie down and stretch out in the water and I don't think he'll forget it for a while.)

  3. "Do you think he will do that again?"

    That is DARLING!

  4. The F in the porridge story is the sweetest thing ever, having this blog to record and remind yourself of these otherwise forgotten little moments is so wonderful! I love the reading photos this week. Harper reading the paper with Dad and then her reading to her baby are both pretty special. Love all the pink princess frufru in the last one too, all that girliness in one photo is just too cute and makes me wish that Indigo was that age again!

  5. gorgeous lighting in these photos Amber! and I agree that porridge story is so so sweet:)
