Sunday, 25 August 2013


{Harper}  This week my mum and sister visited us. It is always too long between visits and Harper did her best to shower them both with love.
This photo ties in nicely with my favourite thing Harper said this week. Over the past month, inspired by my dear friend Kate, we have been focusing on our family values. Harper loves telling me when she is displaying a focus value, "Look Mum, I am being helpful!" "Wasn't I so kind to Finny just then?" She's always checking with me to make sure I noticed (very subtlety of coarse). I too let them know when I see them showing one of our values, "Wow Harper you're so patient waiting there for your lunch", "Finn you are a kind brother" etc.

Each night my sister would read both kids bedtime stories then would lay with Harper until she fell asleep (awesome sister or what?) As I came to give Harper a bedtime kiss on one of the nights she kissed me and then her aunty and looked at us both and said "I am very loving." She didn't need to tell us so as she shows this quality each and every day but boy it was the cutest thing to hear her say.

{Finn} Eyes meant for dreaming big dreams.
The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me
{milkshakes and girly talk with her mama, nana and aunty. she could not have been happier if she tried}
{an impromptu Book Week dress up day- as in we were told the day before, yikes please don't do that to this book obsessed mama next year ok? So Fireman Sam it was. A bit a stretch as far as being a "book character" but he did take in a Fireman Sam book as back up. This year I was caught off guard, next year Mr Finn it will be a solid book character!}


  1. amber you really got a cracker series of portraits of H this week - each one more stunning than the next!! love how you captured so many fascinating little scenes and her character shining through in every one! :) LOVEEEEE the story you told, LOL!!!!!! that is gorgeous 'i am very loving' - no one could deny that!! what a sweet time w your sis too - thats just precious! Awesome finn did get dress up day but what a shock at the late warning yes i bet that sent u into a spin! but his costume was awesome and from the look of the kids at preschool, it looked basically like kids just wore whatever dress ups they had at home :) i think next year is when it gets REALLY serious/competitive haha (i've been scared by how intense the primary costumes seem to be, lol!!!). lovely lovely shots!

  2. These are simply lovely! Harper's photo with your sister is just happiness personified, as is that crazy grin of hers in the second of the outtake photos. Lovely!

  3. "I am very loving" - Gorgeous. Such precious moments.

  4. Gorgeous as usual Amber, but I have to say I just LOVE the pictures with the cherry (?) blossom in them. So pretty. I guess that means it's springtime in Canberra!

  5. I love the cherry blossums too - they are spectacular. The B & W's are my favourite this week, especially the peek-a-boo one on the couch - the contrast is splendid. We celebrated book week too. I tried ever so hard to get a 'real' book character out of my seven year old, but no, he wouldn't be moved from Lego least he's reading :-) I love that your children are embracing your family values too - I have also been very ispired by Kate's posts.

  6. Wow, these are really beautiful shots.
