Sunday, 31 March 2013



{Harper} Looking after her baby dolls is by far her favourite type of play. Even more so when her own Mummy plays along with her. "I be Mummy number one and you be Mummy number two." She kisses them, rocks them to sleep, takes them for walks, breastfeeds them and changes their nappies.
"I'm a good Mummy, because they never cry" she proudly tells me.

{Finn} Celebrating his fifth birthday with a simple Fireman Sam cake and a sparkler candle.
Seems hard to believe that my first baby is half way to double digits. But he is and I am so proud of the boy he is becoming; kind, curious, funny, sensitive and creative. Love him. Big time.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{birthday dinner at the noodle house. new fireman sam toy joined us for tea}
{slippery noodles and harper persisting with chopsticks for the entire meal made things interesting...and messy}
{a little extra birthday present we stumbled apon for our fire-fighter in the making. We even got the chance to talk to the firemen but Finn's nerves took over and those millions of questions he asks me about firemen/fire trucks each and every day vanished when the real deal was in front of him. It doesn't matter because he was happy to stand in front of the truck and take in all the details}
{A visit to Canberra's Scupture Gardens. What do you do when you approach a mirror scupture? You scream at it. Obviously.}
{lashes and fly-away hair}
{harper prefers to shampoo her own hair these days. independent little one. not getting shampoo in your eyes is problematic when you are in charge of both rinsing and eye covering duties though}
{reading a book to me. she is just as expressive when she reads as when she talks}

Sunday, 24 March 2013


This week my husband and I did a little role reversal, I toddled off to work full time (taking on a two week block at the gorgeous community based Playschool I work casually for) and Lachie began looking after the kids full time. It has been strange, exciting, rewarding and tiring. There are moments in my day where I think "This feels so right" then others where I have little panic attacks and think "What am I doing? I'm living in upsy-down town....make it stop!" Each time I feel this swing, I re-group and remember how lucky I am to be in this position.

 I feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to work in such a supportive and caring environment, a school that truly values children and their desire to learn through play. It must be said that I wouldn't be able to work in this kind of capacity if it weren't for my husband's support. Lachie has taken two weeks annual leave to look after the kids so I can work. This is his holiday. A holiday that's kind of not really a holiday at all. What a man.

 It has been a week where I haven't had a whole lot of time to take photographs, resulting in a lot of photos of the kids in their pjs. But even in our upsy-down week I still wanted to get the camera out and document our week. I think this means I really love this photography stuff. Oh yes I do.
{Harper & Finn} Hiding from Daddy....and being found.  

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{more furrowed-brow action from the little lady}
{school gates. waiting.}
{walking home with Daddy}
{the lovely lady I have been working with this week made these easter cupcakes for our family. Sweet.}
{i spotted these two cute but wacky kids at the bus terminal. oh wait, they're my cute and wacky kids}
{heading off to the park. fire emergencies may pop up, so you need to be well equipped}
{fireman finn. you'll be a five year old next week. can't wait to celebrate your special day with you.}

Sunday, 17 March 2013



{Harper} A little unsure. Not a look that we see often from our super confident little girl.   
{Finn} A quiet hallway silhouette.

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{we hauled the kids out of their beds before dawn to watch the Balloon Festival only to arrived and be told that the hot air balloons wouldn't be launching due to the weather. kind of an anti-climax to the whole early wake-up call but we did get to see the most gorgeous blue/purple sunrise}
{my chalk and cheese pair spent the week playing harmoniously and showing lots of affection towards each other. i often wonder what will become of this little siblings pair, especially when they are SO different but this week I saw a real "buddy" friendship emerge. I even overheard this little conversation while they were playing:
Harper: "Finny, you are my best friend."
Finn: "That's good, cause you are my best friend too." }

{picking out the watermelon seeds. i have tried to convince her that you can eat them, but she isn't buying it}
{watching her play from afar}
{waiting for the next emergency call}
{collecting eggs, basil and tomotoes from our friend's garden}
{a daddy rumbling game called "bridge collapse". This is the type of rough -housing game where the kids laugh and squeal and call out "more, more"........}
{...until someone gets hurt of coarse.
"dat's enough Daddy"}

Sunday, 10 March 2013


{Harper} Fringe curls. 
{Finn} Shadows and light in his room. 

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)