Sunday, 10 March 2013


{Harper} Fringe curls. 
{Finn} Shadows and light in his room. 

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)


  1. Oh those curls, both of them have such gorgeous hair!

    Harper's expression of emotion is amazing and Finn's hands in the goop (?!) are perfect :) Wonderful photos this week Amber, hope you all enjoy your extra day off together :) xx

    1. Thanks Andi.
      Harper is very expressive. Dramatic even ;)
      Yes that is goop or gloop. It was a great afternoon activity, although after about 10 mins Finn whispered to me "Can I stop this now?" The mess factor wan't sitting well with him :P

  2. Awesome awesome curls, and some beautiful images. The light in the final one (the B sides) is divine...

  3. amazing stuff amber - the look of joy on harpers face - and the chatty one later - are just gorgeous. lovely bubble shots and looks like lots of fun messy play this week too!! love these little snippits. the last profile shot is STUNNING... sigh, so pretty!

  4. Stunning photos. Gorgeous kids.

  5. All your photos are wonder you couldn't pick just two :0)

  6. Ok WOW!!! that last shot of Harper is AMAZING. Love the two portraits this week too, both of their curls are just to die for, lucky kids. There is so much joy in your photos, and all those bubbles, I'd be screaming too :)

    1. Thanks so much Belinda :) Getting that last shot was painful as I needed Harper to be covering the lamp with her body and I needed her to side side on so I could get her profile. Obviously this is all too much information and instruction for a three year old. At least I know that now! I got the shot but it does make me laugh to think about all the convincing it took to get Harper to play along with me! hee, hee.

  7. Stunning photos and children! I find it hard to choose one photo too and your way is so much more fun - a mini documentary of the week!

  8. sooo stunning!! the last one is magical.

  9. Woah, Amber....I think this might be my favorite week yet! I love that you selected two feature shots that are similar, focusing on the sweet features of their faces and gorgeous curls.

    The photo of Harper excited/screaming is fabulous. Those eyes, lashes and that hair are to die for! What a wonderful moment in time captured forever.

    I really like the shot with the bucket and hands too. Lovely detail, plus there's something about the colors that I really like (green background, blue bucket, white soap).

    The expression you caught in the next to last photo is soooo cute. She looks to be telling a story :-)

    The last photo is stunnin!! Pure magic!!

  10. these photos are simply lovely!!
    i'm so glad i discovered your blog. very inspirational.

  11. Wow, those curls! Just gorgeous!

  12. Those curls are beautiful! That lost shot is awesome. Beautiful photos this week, as always.

  13. looks like everyone has said this too, but the last one of harper is brilliant - worth all the effort
