Sunday, 30 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and seventy four {i lied about being the outdoor type}

Finn's need for cleanliness and order doesn’t  fit well with outdoor play in our backyard.

I didn’t need to ask Finn what he was doing here. I knew. He was cleaning the dirt off his branch.
After this scene he went inside and dried it down with a tea-towel.
That’s my Finn.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and seventy {careful selection}

Now that warmer days are ahead, I am aiming to decrease the inside crafty play and get my two to embrace our big backyard. Look out kiddies you are going to be hearing the phrase “Alright, everybody outside!”  a lot more over the next few months. While we have been tidying up our garden I have been thinking about outdoor play opportunities for Finn and Harper. We have lots of grass, a sandpit, a new see-saw, a veggie patch, no trampoline (*gasp*), water tray table and a ball pit. It’s a great starting point but I am looking for ways to encourage their love of imaginative play, to support it in an outdoor setting.

Harper has recently made a new friend, and during a playdate with her mate Evie  I was inspired by the creative outdoor playspace that Evie’s mum, Jess, has created for her two young children. One feature was a mud pie kitchen located in a gorgeous hidden corner of their backyard. I had seen a few pictures here and there on Pinterest but it wasn’t until I saw the kitchen in action that I knew it could work in our backyard.

Jess pointed me in the direction of the local second-hand goods store Tiny’s Green Shed as a way to gather a few cheap items to get the kitchen up and running. For $20 we got an old wood tv cabinet (which I plan to turn into a kitchen stove), a big bag full of metal pots, pans, cake tins, spoons and jugs….oh and somehow a wine rack was snuck in by Lachie. Pretty good value I thought.

Harper took the kitchen equipment selection seriously. I would hold up my suggestions and she would say “Nah, not good enough”, place her head down and continue hunting.
I think we may have a op-shop expert on our hands.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and sixty nine {it's fun to be a baby}

Harper always comes up with the most interesting suggestions.

Today at Playgroup….

H: I have an idea Mum.

Me: Hmmmm (Thinking: Brace yourself Amber, this could be a doozie)

H: How ‘bout I get in that highchair and be your baby.

Me: Yep, let’s try that. (Thinking: I could possibly get a quality photo out of this.)

Harper May you are a riot.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and sixty two {floriade}

This morning we spent a few hours at Canberra’s annual Spring Festival Floriade. Winter in Canberra is long and cold and when we finally move into Spring, Floriade is like a sweet reward for Canberrans. Sunshine (not guaranteed, but we did get it this morning.), colourful flowers, an abundance of activities for families and just a place to be outdoors without a coat and beanie. I love this time of year.

Again, Finn and Harper surprise me in what they are drawn to. We planned on visiting the farmyard petting zoo. I was pretty certain Harper would dig on the chance to pat some baby animals and despite reservations Finn would come along and end up enjoying it. Once we got to the gate though, Harper pulled my arm and declared “Don’t want to go!” We left the line and instead they happily ran around on the grass outside the petting zoo and tried to talk to the swans gliding by on the lake. Then Finn asked if we could go on the ferris wheel. My cautious, anxious Finn asked to be in a wobbly cage suspended goodness knows how many metres above the ground. We had to have a big pep talk before buying tickets but Finn was adamant that he was ok with being up that high and that he wanted to do it. So we did it.

Finn was giddy with happiness up there. Harper, usually big on taking risks and adventure, held on oh-so-tightly to the bars and just stared at me.

Sometimes, if I am watching and listening, my kids surprise me and let me see a side of them that often gets hidden. They let me know that they are not just the stand out elements of their personality. They are so much more than that.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and sixty {lost in translation}

It is hard working trying to get Finn & Harper in the same frame.

To encourage my two to be together while I took a shot I asked Finn to whisper a secret in Harper’s ear.
Obviously a little confused by my request, Finn rubbed her earlobe instead.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Documenting delight: day two hundred and fifty six {in memory of kerryn}

Another mother who made the commitment, just like me, way back in January to Document Delight for 366 days was involved in a fatal car accident over the weekend. I didn’t know Kerryn, but her passing has sat with me as I have moved through my week.  There have been thoughts of a family left behind; a gorgeous blue-eyed daughter and a husband who must now walk a very new and difficult path without her presence. Then there have been thoughts of the gift she left behind; a daily document that will show her daughter that her mother was watching her, marvelling in the little and big things that made her unique.  In addition to this, Kerryn made the effort to join her in some of these photographs, allowing her daughter to see that her mother wasn’t just watching through a lens but was there. Mother and daughter together.

It is no secret that I dislike being photographed. Today though I put pushed aside all my insecurities, battled away with the self- timer and two kiddies with ants in their pants and got a photo. Finn, Harper and their mum, together.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Documenting delight: day two hundred and fifty five {making bathtime colourful}

Don’t worry your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Yes, our bath water is green. Bright green.  Adding food colouring to the bath water is the type of lengths we have resorted to to get one unwilling bathtime member to have a soak. The idea came from my clever sister in law and it broke a 10 day stalemate with Miss Harper May.  All hail the mighty magic of the coloured bathwater (and my sister in law too of coarse!)

Monday, 10 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and fifty four {milk medicine}

Entering Harper’s room to see her sitting on a stool with her baby, casually lifting her top up:

Me: What are you doing Harps?

H: My baby is sick.

Me: Oh that’s no good.

H: Yeah, I took her to the nurse. Nurse said give her boob, boob (breastmilk).

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and fifty two {snippets from our saturday}

{look mumma, i made a tent}

A Saturday at home, and I mean a whole day where we didn’t leave the house (/backyard) all day. And it was good. This was our day.
Fun Fact: I took 80% of these photographs in my pjs. That’s how good a day it was.
{turning a ladder into an obstacle course}
{cloud spotting}
{rosy red cheeks}
{always, and I mean ALWAYS up for a daddy wrestle}
{i love watching her little hands at play}
{acting out a fire emergency with one of his little people}
{a 'fireman sam' character's name}
{tuna pasta dinner. demolished.}
{off to bed}