Sunday, 30 June 2013

26/52 {right now, part 4}

For the past two years I have been pausing every six months to take a couple of portraits of my two little loves and quickly jotting down their likes and dislikes.
Oh my they have changed since the first 'right now' post.
You can find the other two right now posts here and here.
And in the name of time management, I'm being completely cheeky and selecting these shots as my 'Project 52' entries.

Finn James  5 years, 3 months
Playing fire-fighters, singing and discussing the lyrics to songs, library day at Pre-school, reading, telling knock-knock jokes, exploring information about war/the army, drawing, making vehicles out of mobilo, uninterrupted play sessions, riding his scooter, writing and posting letters, box construction, and drawing maps.
Spicy food, having his hair touched/washed/brushed/cut, “scary” things and getting organising for school.
 Harper May 3 years, 7 months
Dressing up as a princess or fairy, rough play/rumbling with her brother and dad, attending parties, fairy tales (except the ones with evil queens/witches or fierce animals), looking after her baby dolls, playdates, telling people that she is "three and a half", reading bedtime stories with Mummy and helping to prepare/cook dinner.
Wearing jeans or tracksuit pants, eating mushrooms and saying goodbye to friends after playdates.  

The B-sides (because two photos seems a little minimalist for me…)
{trying to distract Finn during his little photo shoot. It worked.}
{a kiss for you}
{giving a little love back}
{Wearing her Dover & Madden dimple hat. This little hat has seen Harper through three Winters. I would say that is money well spent.}
{watching 'Playschool' with Little Ted}
{one more day until our road trip from Canberra through to Queensland}

1 comment:

  1. oh how they grow huh!! i love the portraits! and ooooh the kissing sibling ones are GORGEOUS! so giggly and affectionate, just love them. you know your kids so well and these little likes and dislikes capture this moment in time so perfectly. i really love the walking to school shots too. i have missed your blog!!! (and you) xx
