Friday 24 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day fifty five

Do you have a quotable kid? I do. The crazy/funny/sweet things kids say just need to be documented. When Finn says something that makes me laugh or highlights the unique way he looks at the world I jot it down. I am glad I do because usually by the time Lach comes home and I go to recount the classic Finn line for the day & my memory fails me. So I go to the book.

Finn is a serious lad; sensitive, inquisitive and quite funny all at the same time. He talks like a little old man, punctuating his sentences with thoughtful pauses and “Well, actually”’s. He comes up with explainations and solutions that I just couldn’t make up myself. Today’s quoatable moment was no exception.

On the way home from a visit to the park I needed to stop off at the local shop to buy some bread. It was a hot morning so I bought the kids an iceblock for the trip home. Once home the iceblocks were dripping everywhere so we headed out to the deck to finish them off. Harper was oblivious to the river of iceblock juice running down her face but Finn on the other hand was frantically try to control the iceblock leakages. It was dripping on his shirt and shorts and he wasn’t happy. He was panicked. I grabbed him a teatowel but this didn’t suffice. It was then that Finn came up with a solution. With all seriousness he turned to me and said:

“I think it would be best if I ate the iceblock with no clothes on.”

Oooookay then.

So it was. Finn sat completely nude (except for his shoes and socks of coarse) and ate the remainder of his iceblock.  

My funny and quotable kid, Finn. Bless him.


  1. Omg! Your Finn sounds just like my cj! He would have acted the exact same way with the ice block and said something similar. I sometimes ask cj to do something as says, "well its buzz light year actually!" got to love it:) my 4boys and me

  2. How adorable! Love the book idea. That is absolutely fantastic! Perfect for quoting out of for his 18th or 21st :)

    1. Now that's a good idea ;)
      Thanks for your lovely comment :)

  3. Just gorgeous and you're a clever Mama for remembering to write it all down! I must get something out to do that because kids just say the funniest and cutest things! I did a post on some of Ruby's a week or two ago.

    Eating a drippy iceblock nude sounds VERY smart to me :)

    1. I don't always remember to write it down but I do try.
      It did work out in the end. All I had to do was quickly wash him down. He had it all figured out!

  4. I also write down fuuny thins my girls say or do...and by christmas i put them in a digital book along with pictures and is grandparents present! They just love it....and my girls love to ree it too. Altough as thy grow up...sometimes they say: "You´re not going to write that are you?! " :)
    So get ready!

    Claudia Duarte form Documenting Deligth group

    1. Wow Claudia that is a great idea! I never thought to use them in any sort of photobook. Thank you for the suggestion! Bet the grandparents love their books from you :)

  5. What a cutie! Writing down their quotes is a great idea.
    I tried a book, but it was never near when I wanted it (if we were outside or at the park for example). Now when I hear something funny, I write it on any piece of paper I have to hand (e.g. a receipt) or make a note on my phone to transfer to paper later. All these little notes then go into a big jar in the kitchen, and every now and then we reach in and pull one out to read. Such a lot of fun :)

  6. ah Finn, what a funny boy! very clever too. love the book yep i have one too - though when it got filled w Lily (for both sayings and milestones) ive started using a Word document from here on in.... tho i do love the actual little book too.. hmm, torn!

  7. I love this!! So cute. And what precious memories you are recording for him. Such a brilliant idea!
