Thursday 9 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day forty

Second day back at Playschool and Finn fell straight back into the routine. As this was a transition week parents were asked to stay for the entire session. This time last year I sat nervously during mat time, watching Finn look disinterested. This morning I watched with a smile on my face as Finn answered questions and told his teacher about his new Puma shoes which he loves so much. My Finn; Calm, confident and happy.

The next little anecdote may seem like a little “story” I have created if it is read by anyone who knows Finn. Cross my heart, it’s not.
At the dinner table each night we recount our day and we each talk about our favourite thing from the day. Finn usually says something along the lines of “I liked making a tow truck out of boxes” or “I loved it when I saw three trucks when I was in the car.” So it was a bit of a surprise when this conversation unfolded tonight:

Me: What was your favourite part today Finn?
Finn: Mummy, did you go to Playschool with me today?
Me: Yes I did 
Finn: That was my favourite part.

Heart melted. Right there.


  1. awwwwwwwww Amber! that is SO sweet and means even more coming from little Finn just cos its not his usual style. Obviously no matter how confident he now is (and isnt it gorgeous to see how far he has come, so lovely), he still loves having you around! *melt*

  2. Awww, that is just precious! So glad you have recorded it here to remember forever <3
