Monday 20 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day fifty one {15 fun facts about my kids}

Early this morning I read a post titled 15 fun facts about my kids in a blog I follow, The Feminist Breeder. I thought it might be an interesting idea (to copy) for  post of my own. As our day together unfolded I watched Finn & Harper and jotted down 15 facts about my two little ones. It further reinforced what polar opposites they are, how funny and quirky they appear at times and the level of joy and happiness they bring to our home.

So here they are, 15 fun facts about my kids:

1.    Finn begins most questions to me with “Do you think it would be ok if I......?”

2.    Harper’s most prized possessions are her Playschool soft toys (Humpty, Jemima x 2 and Big Ted). She calls her collection her “Playschool friends.”

3.    Finn wears the same shoes everyday, his Puma joggers. Everyone in our family has a pair of Puma joggers. If another family member is wearing them he refers to them  as being “Puma buddies”. If everyone is wearing said shoes, we are deemed “The Puma Family” by Finn.

4.    Finn + Harper are adventurous eaters. They weren’t blessed with the sleeping gene, but by golly they can eat. Current food favourites: Lychees, pomegranate seeds, sugar plums, cherry tomatoes and honeydew melon.

5.    Harper isn’t a fan of shoes, prefers to be barefoot. Walking barefoot f.r.e.a.k.s Finn out.

6.    Finn falls asleep most nights reading books. Each night I move a small mountain of books from his bed back to his bookshelf.

7.    Harper is fearless in the water. This is both exciting and nerve-wracking for me.

8.    Finn has just learnt to dress and undress himself, although he would prefer that someone else does this for him.

9.    Harper hasn’t been away from me for more than four hours at a time since she was born.

10.  Finn can turn any piece of furniture in our home into a car, a truck or a plane.

11.  Harper adores her big brother, always inviting him to play with her. “Want to dance with me Finn?” is one of her most common phrases.

12.  Finn believes that tomato sauce should accompany every meal.

13.  Harper’s favourite CD is Justine Clarke’s ‘I like to sing’. Finn's is The Panics ‘Cruel Guards’. The boy has good taste, and by that I mean he likes the same music as me ;).

14. Finn is resourceful and creative. If he doesn’t have specific toy/prop for his imaginative play he will make it from craft materials. This week’s creation: earmuffs. Out of egg cups and pipe cleaners.

15.  Finn and Harper create games with their Dad. The current favourites are called “Bridge Collapse” and “The noise and not noise game”.


  1. Your kids are gorgeous! And wow, could they be any more different from each other!

  2. Lovely idea! And great snippets of moments and likes for your kids. The photos really sets them up as opposites too!

    1. Thanks Tricia :)
      I didn't plan the photos out that way but when I looked back on the snaps I got today these two stood out :)

  3. Amber - this is such a great idea! They are such fun facts - and I can see more of their personality coming through :) Really want to meet them! <3

  4. love the 'opposite' pics and all the facts!! so cute... great memories!

  5. Hannah agrees with number 12 all the way!

    P.S. totally stealing this post idea and the photo idea too! ;)

  6. Love it... I might have to do this one too... :)
