Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day thirty nine

A thumbs up for the first day back at school.

Finn began his second year at Playschool (pre-preschool for 3-4 year olds) today. My wonderful friend Kate wrote about her daughter’s first day at the same preschool this week. She did a brilliant job of explaining what this special place is all about, she’s high on details (unlike me) so if you want to read more about it, head over here.

It was a calm morning around here. It is a new year however Finn is very comfortable in his Playschool environment and the fact that no big adjustments are needed this year makes for a settled start for everyone in our family.  What a difference this is to last year’s first day of Playschool for Finn and myself. Finn’s birthday is close to the ACT school cut off date and this means that we had to decide whether to start him in Pre-school this year or in 2013. At the beginning of last year Finn was one of the youngest in his class, and noticeably so. Combine this with never being in any sort of formal daycare before starting this structured program and you had one rattled little boy. The transition was slow, emotional and had me questioning whether I had made the right decision to enrol him at all. With the support of his amazing teachers by Term 2 he was happy and enjoying the new challenges in and outside of the classroom. The remainder of the year went smoothly and Finn’s confidence rose and I fell in love with the school.

When the Pre-school enrolment period approached I knew that Finn wasn’t ready to move onto the next level. On a skills/academic level he showed readiness but his social confidence was lacking. He was wary of change, rarely noticed his classmates and to me the gap between him and the majority of the children who were moving on was still substantial. Being a Kindergarten teacher, I knew from experience that in the beginning some of the younger students found school an uphill battle. Most of them by mid year were settled and caught up to their peers but did I really want Finn to enter school not feeling at ease, a little out of his depth until he finally coped? Not a chance. If our decision to hold him back would help him enter school with confidence and a little social awareness under his belt we were going to do it.

There are a lot of parenting decisions that I agonise over, but this one wasn’t one of them. It was one of the first “big parenting decisions” where I felt confident that we made the best decision based on the needs of our child, no outside influences, just us trusting our judgment. That felt good.

I can’t wait to see what this schooling year holds for our Finn. He really couldn’t be at a better place.


  1. Wow! you write so well Amber, sounds like things were tough to start with. But gee he looks so happy! Another beautiful photo! I can't wait to see your book or whatever you do at the end with your gorgeous photos :)

    1. Thank you Angie. You are always far too kind to me :) I actually don't feel writing is one of my strengths but this blog is making me work a little harder on this area :)
      Eeeek! I have no idea what I am going to do with these photos when the year is over!

  2. Beautiful Pic of your excited little boy. And yes I agree with you Amber. I think I would have done the same thing if it was one of my boys. I am still struggling with choosing a primary school though. You think being a teacher would help! Looking forward to hearing an update later on the year! my4boysandme

    1. Argh! I am with you on the primary school decision! (I am already thinking about it, even though it is 2 years down the track).
      Hope that you find a school that fits best for your boys :)

  3. Wow, my first blog link, I'm honoured!!! :) But look how much you wrote tonight, maybe my detailed wordiness is rubbing off ;) but then - your pics are so amazing they are pretty much worth the 1000 words it takes me to get there!! Anyway - finn - look how happy and confident he is! You have made SUCH a good decision for him and more than that, its lovely to see parents making tough choices but feeling totally settled and confident in their choice - so good! I think your choice will give him such a good start to schooling (rather than just pushing him through to 'get ahead') for the 12yrs to come! Well done mama. Oh i must confess selfishly im extra pleased that it means Finn and Lily get not only to go to school together this year but same year in all the years to come (bc of course we are remaining friends all that time too!! ) xx

    1. I know! Where did all this wordiness come from? You must be influencing me in this way ;)
      I try to make my pictures speak for themselves but I am finding that as this project goes on I am enjoying writing a bit of a commentary to some of my photos.

      Thank you for your support. I am sure I talked your ear off about this one last year ;) Yes! I don't want to be pushing him throughout his school years. That wouldn't be pleasant for anyone!

      It is wonderful that Lily & Finn will journey through school together, and of coarse that we will get to share it all together, as friends :)

  4. I am very happy to hear that you feel good and at peace with the decision to keep Finn at this lovely school for another year. It certainly sounds like the best thing for him and for your family as a whole.

    Coincidentally, a friend of mine was saying just today (!) that she would like to keep her daughter in a similar sort of school that Finn goes to for another year instead of her starting Prep. I said 'why not?' and she realised that even though her instinct told her it was better for her daughter to stay she was feeling pressure from others/society that her daughter should start school. Now she is looking at it from the perspective of 'what is best for our daughter and for us as a family' and I hope she is just as happy with her decision as you are with yours. Go mama!

    P.S. Finn looks ridiculously cute in that photo! Look at that smile!

    1. Thank you Andi!

      I think with many of these issues we do let society norms influence us, when really we should only be looking towards our children and finding out what THEY really need.

      I hope your friend finds the same peace in her decision as we have :)
