Tuesday 7 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day thirty eight

Aisle after aisle:
“Um, I’ll have dat one!”


  1. I love supermarket photos, I think it is the inquisitive and curious look on the childrens faces and the array of colours on the shelves. Hope one day I am brave enough to take my camera into the shop.

    1. Me too! I have seen a few in this project and I knew I wanted to give it a go today.
      I did feel a bit funny snapping away, especially since I shoot with a 50mm, so I needed to stand quite far away from the trolley. It was all a bit strange and the kids (and possibly other shoppers) thought I was a little nutty! Oh well!
      Oh and I left my lens cap on one of the shelves and had to back track a few aisles to find it - Silly me!

  2. hehehe SO cute!! Love Harpers accessories. They look like great shoppers!
    Love your photos as always :)

    1. Thanks Angie!
      Hmmm, no I wouldn't say they are great shoppers :P Luckily for everyone it was a quick shopping trip :)
      Yes Harper and her accessories. I bought that one for her in Cotton on just before we started shopping in Coles. I bought Finn a new top so I said she could pick out a top or a necklace. Of coarse she selected the necklace!

  3. What a sweet photo! I love the serious face - selection of groceries is an important task!

    1. Thank you Clea :) Harper was a tad serious. She was busy telling me all the things I had missed on our shopping list ;)

  4. sooooo cute, what an awesome photo! you get like a zillion points for taking both the kids grocery shopping, i dont think i have ever done that!! their expressions are so fascinating, just love it!

    1. Ha! I must confess that this isn't a regular thing. Lach on the other hand takes them to do our weekly shop on Sat mornings so I can sleep in :)
      I fret at the thought of both of them at the shops but Lachie takes it all in his stride and copes beautifully )

  5. I love this one! Beautiful colours. And the sense of importance of the task on her face is so cute.

    1. Thank you Tricia, that means a lot to me coming from a photographer that I admire :)
      I was really happy with the colours in this one. I guess the fluro lighting in Coles helped out though :P
