Wednesday 1 February 2012

Documenting Delight: Day thirty two {Lachie's Birthday}

Today was Lachie’s birthday, the one before the big 4-0. Having a birthday on a week day the kids and I tried to make sure the hours before and after his working day were special and fun. Lachie rides his bike to work so I knew that while a big breakfast of bacon and eggs would be super yummy, it would weigh a little heavy on the stomach as he was tackling the hills.  His standard breakfast is muesli with fresh fruit so I scoured our Bill Granger cookbooks (king of Sydney breakfast, need I say more?) to find a homemade toasted muesli recipe and wouldn’t you know it, it was so simple to organise the night before and a nice little surprise for Lach to wake up to. Lachie opened his presents while eating breakfast as Finn and Harper were bursting with excitement.  Finn: “What do you think is going to be in the big one Daddy?” (a DVD player) and Harper before the wrapping paper was off a smaller present “Look it’s CDs!”

While Lach was at work we had time to bake a birthday cake and make a few little decorations to hang up. Ahhh the cake. I needed something easy as while there are some days with Finn and Harper that run smoothly, I knew that doing anything elaborate may come under fire if the kids weren’t having a great day . All was going well until I assembled the Kit Kat wafers around the cake. Damn it, I didn’t have enough Kit Kats. We were edging close to the meltdown time (4-5pm. Know of it?) and I knew that a trip to the shops wasn’t an option so the cake didn’t quite have the same effect as the pictures I had seen all over Pinterest. It’s not a complete cake wreck but it does look like someone has pinched a substantial amount of the Kit Kat bars nonetheless.

We picked up Lachie from work and went out for dinner, just the four of us. We found a restaurant that opened at 5.30pm as a way to make sure we didn’t inflict two tired and hungry children on the normal dinner time crowd. It worked well. Finn and Harper were happy to share a ham and pineapple pizza and graze on our meals. Plus the novelty of having juice with their dinner kept them focused and at the table.

On the way home Harper turned to each member of the family and asked “Did you like your meal?” Love that girl, always being interested in others.

At home we sang Happy Birthday to Lachie and had a decent sugar hit with the Kit Kat cake.

We hope you had a wonderful birthday Lachie/Daddy!
{Bill Granger's Toasted Muesli with dried blueberries}
 {Pressie time. Showing Finn the photobook I made Lach, 'Good times with Daddy'}
{Finn was captivated by the light above our table}
{Maybe he was worried it may fall on him?}
{I could photograph Harper's varied and funny facial expressions all day. Oh wait, I do!}
{Kit Kat cake}


  1. Awww, I can feel the love in this post! How special does Lachie feel right now?!

    And the cake looks great! I am planning on making that one for Brian one Birthday too! That last pic looks so professional!!! :)

  2. wow well done, what a super special day!!! he must have felt very loved indeed, you went to so much effort! the cake looks awesome and all the better to see the smarties, i say :) Good on you, love it all!

  3. What a very lucky guy. These photos are beautiful and he will cherish them for a long time remembering his special b'day - the one before 4-0
