Thursday, 4 October 2012

Documenting Delight: day two hundred and seventy eight {mud pie kitchen}

Our mud pie kitchen has been in the pipe-line for a while. Preparations began here and this week it was open for business.  It was slow-burner at first but after a few days sloppy mud creations were in full swing. This week was all about seeing what kind of play Finn and Harper would generate from this new feature in our backyard. As always my two surprise and impress me with how engrossed they become in this type of creative play. Soups have been boiled on the stove, mud smoothies were blended, mud juices were poured and after all the cooking was done Harper created a sink where the dishes could be washed up.
I wasn’t sure how Mr clean and tidy would go with all of this but I am happy to report he has been quite keen to make a few of his own creations. Of coarse Harper took to it all like a duck to water. Her enthusiam has lead to a little taste testing though, which may be taking things a little too far I think. New rule Harps: Mud pie kitchen creations are for looking at and admiring, NOT eating!


  1. ok ok, we gotta get over and experience this mud kitchen SOON! :) looks fabulous amber, well done!!!! i love the cute sign too, its the perfect finishing touch! love how you used so many real kitchen things, the kids would be just loving it, what a wonderful creative play experience. extra props for letting harper play in white top and fabric jewellery - eep!!

    1. Yes, we need to lock in a mud-pie kitchen play date. I can just imagine the meals that our four will come up with ;)
      The "real" items have been a hit. Now when I go to Vinnies I've got an extra thing to hunt for ;)
      Hmmm, I love Harper in white but I have to say it doesn't suit her love for dirt and mess!

  2. What fun! I used to make mud pies at my Grandma and Grandpa's house and it brings back happy memories. :-) You are a good Mom, Amber.

  3. So cool, Amber! I'm totally copying this when spring comes here again. You did such a great job on yours, and you have the neatest handwriting I must say!

  4. I want a mud pie kitchen too, it is so awesome. Beautiful photos of your little cooks in their kitchen!
