Thursday 26 April 2012

Documenting Delight: day one hundred and seventeen {with friends}

Ahhhhh I love playdates with my dear friend and fellow blogger Kate from Living,Loving, Laughing. Not only do I get to see our four kids together, four toddlers who genuinely like each other and who create fun and laughter as they interact but I get spend time with a friend and a mother I admire. Parenting toddlers is hard work. On top of that being a stay at home mum, at times, can be quite isolating. I am thankful for friends like Kate, who I can draw practical tips from, soak up their wisdom and partake in short bursts of stimulating conversation, you know something a bit removed from the toileting, eating, sleep habits of our precious little ones. Added bonus, I always know when Kate and her kids come over that I have my photo for the day sorted. Cuteness x4, how could I not get something worth documenting?

{vegemite pinwheels made by Kate}

{cream cheese, grated cheese and tomato sandwiches. On circle bread. Apparently the key to getting kids to eat sandwiches is staying away from those boring square shapes ;) }

{Eli sharing with Harper. Total sweetheart}
{All great playdates end with a dance off don't they?}


  1. Aw how lovely! It's so nice when kids all get along and mums get a chance to be grownups (for however short a time between interruptions).
    Circle sandwiches sound like a super idea! We do have a dinosaur cutter somewhere...
    Adorable children! Love the sharing shot, so cute.

  2. awww lovely shots Amber and I soooo agree on the blessing the support and sharing is! i was thinking both our kids look great in black - not a very kiddie colour but just makes their eyes shine, i think!! heehee at eli taking the tomatoes in the pinwheel photo ;) and the sharing... and you know... everything! lovely memories xx

  3. Total cuteness, so fun to see two sets of documenting delight kidlets together!
