Friday, 2 November 2012

Documenting Delight: day three hundred and eight {sick and upset}

This morning three of us woke up with colds (Lach seems to has escaped so far). Being Harper’s daycare day this meant she had to stay home. The flow on effect of this was that Finn missed on his one on one time with me. Finn wailed when I told him of the change of plans. Wailed and wailed. Finn loves his little sister but he equally loves it when he can play independently within a quiet home, while getting little pockets of uninterrupted Mummy time. That chance comes around one a week and I am pretty sure he patiently counts down the days.

Today’s photo is far from inspired but it is all that I could muster. Here’s to healthier days ahead….and better photographs.

1 comment:

  1. awwwww so sad - for everyone! but esp finn and he looks so dejected (and snuffly) in this pic... poor kid, its so hard to change plans at this age esp when they are excited. relieved a make up outing was possible. so lovely you get these one on one days w him, i know he just relishes them!
