Sunday, 30 December 2012

Documenting Delight: day three hundred and sixty five {right now, part 3}

The last instalment of the right now posts. You can find part one and two here and here.
As 2012 comes to a close this is Harper and Finn right now…

Finn James 4 years, 9 months


Riding his scooter (fast), acting out fire emergencies (a la Fireman Sam), lego (or “big boy lego” as he calls it), learning about numbers and letters, making homemade pizzas with Daddy, crafting with Mummy, watering the garden with the hose (just like a real Fireman), spending time with our extended family, reading, drawing, being clean, special treat night and eating lychees.


People touching, washing, brushing or cutting his hair, being interrupted whilst playing, meals with brown rice and dressing himself.

Harper May 3 years, 1 month


Doing things “as a family”, fairy tales, princesses, making up her own songs, giving and receiving affection, dancing, breastfeeding (still….), role-playing in the play kitchen, having her hair brushed, playing with her dolls and teddies, seeing real babies, playing with her cousins and eating cherries.


Having baths, sleeping, going to daycare on Fridays, wearing shoes or socks and eating mushrooms.


  1. Perfect portraits just sparkling with personality. I really really want to learn to capture mine this well.

  2. So lovely to see your lovely children blossoming. Well done for being so organised and managing such a masterpiece. I loved reading their likes and dislikes. I dont blame finn for not liking brown rice with meals. Hope u are all well.

  3. This is fabulous! Thank you for the reminder, I took a photo of each kid at the beginning of the project and need to do updated ones tomorrow. Yours is much nicer, I love the likes and dislikes.

    I replied on my blog, but in case you didn't see it, I wanted to thank you for your kind comment. I really appreciate your encouragement throughout this project, you're really an amazing person Amber, the way you were so thoughtful to continue commenting on other people's projects while you were waiting to resume your own. I'm so glad you continued with your project, it's been a privilege to follow your year and see your beautiful children grow.

  4. stunning portraits - so full of THEM - and these likes and dislikes are just perfect. I will try to do this too, its a great way to snapshot who they are right now!
