Sunday 8 January 2012

Documenting Delight: Day eight (right now)

I’m taking a bit of inspiration (heck all of my inspiration) from Georgia’s recent ‘Documenting Delight’ post, to capture a portrait style photograph of my kids and write a quick summary of their current likes & dislikes. You can find her gorgeous pictures & words  here. Lachie & I brainstormed these together and laughed away at all the quirky and cute things that make up our children’s worlds. So these are my children right now.....

{Harper -25 months}

Dancing, giving cuddles, singing nursery rhymes, wrestling on the grass with Daddy, ‘Playschool’ (particularly Humpty and presenter Tao), giggling, swimming, breastfeeding and choosing her own outfits.

Being asked to pack up her toys, elephants and songs about elephants (running away and hiding at the opening chords of ‘One grey elephant’ – go figure?), wearing hair clips, being buckled into her carseat and being away from Mummy.
{Finn - 3.5}

Construction vehicles, asking questions, reading, playing independently, catching public transport, eating summer fruits and singing and making up songs with Daddy.

Lack of order, getting wet or dirty, going to the toilet, hair being shampooed, dogs and meals not being prepared on time.


  1. Gorgeous photos!

  2. what beautiful children, and great photos

  3. Wow! My little girl loves Tao (I like him a bit too!) and hates that elephant song too! What's with that song? I love it, and always have! These are beautiful shots. I'm getting a 50mm lens soon and being a "portrait lens", I'm positive that all my shots are going to be amazing and I'll never have trouble again. Cross your fingers for me!

  4. You know I love this idea so much! You did such a great job with the photos! And you can tell by their likes and dislikes how different, and yet similar they really are!

    P.S. Look at their hair! One staright and the other curly!

    P.P.S Where did you buy Harper's dress? It's gorgeous!

  5. these are amazing!! so beautiful. i love the likes/dislikes, super cute.
    can't wait to see more!! :)

  6. Beautiful :) Stunning shots, and a cute stitch in time of your two little loves! Must do the same one day soon.

  7. Wow, great photos, and this idea is just lovely, I think I'm going to hav to copy too ;)

  8. Thank you so much everyone. Your comments really keep me going :)
    Don't eat the grapefruit - I like Tao too, also Jai and Matt and Rhys...... ;)
    Andi- As I said it my FB post the dress is by Milly and I found it online :)
