Tuesday 3 January 2012

Documenting Delight: Day three

Baby girl,

You don’t like sleeping much, but boy do you look delightful and peaceful when your body stops wriggling and your eyes finally close. Tonight was one of those nights that I laid next to you and repeated again and again in my head “Please, please sleep, Harper May”. I got frustrated with you. You got frustrated with me. I don’t like nights like this. I needed to stay with you after you fell asleep and look at the baby girl features you have and remind myself that it won’t always be this way. One day you won’t need me to get to sleep. One day I will look at this photo and know that this time was perfect, even if it came with challenges.

I love you baby girl. x


  1. Awwwwwww. Beautiful. Perfection. Love <3

  2. I love this, and i also know what you are talking about. I too get frustrated getting all 3 of my babies to sleep but when someone suggests teaching them to fall asleep with out us... i was like 'noway why would i want them to not want me'... i love the curls on top of her head.

  3. Oh this is so true! I sometimes linger in my boys room after a particularly tantrumy day and just watch his peaceful sleep and remember that it's all part of his journey. Just like it is for your little lady. And of course we'll wish for these snuggles when they no longer do. Beautiful beautiful photo. x Amy

  4. Beautiful beautiful shot. You need shots like these to remind you of the peace and beauty when you have frustrating nights! You are right, it won't always be this way. I know the frustrations (my girl was very much like this but she's now a few books and then I say goodnight and she looks at another book herself and then turns off her light) but I'm so glad that you are finding the best of the situation and taking some cool snaps! Work it!

  5. What an angel! I think they look like this once asleep to make us stop and breathe and stay in love. My girl has never been a great sleeper and I still have to pretty much lie on her to get her to have a daytime sleep!
    Thanks for the reminder in your last sentence!

  6. AMBER!!! I adore this photo! Great perspective, you've really captured her gorgeous eyelashes and the peace that is a baby asleep. Amazing work.

    And about what you wrote, girl, you know I know exactly what you mean xx

  7. Such a good reminder - thank you!! And gorgeous features in the photo!!

  8. Your little Harper (love the name) is an angel. This picture is adorable, How do you get it when I'm guessing it would have been dark? I love your photos and your blog is just divine, just like your little one.

  9. Thank you so much everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments.
    I take comfort that other are/have been in the same boat.
    Tricia- I love those words "peace & beauty". Perfectly said.
    My4boysandme: Thank you for your gorgeous comment. As for the lighting I did a few things to get the shot:
    - set the lowest aperture on my camera
    -opened up the curtains in our room (there was a tiny bit of light at that stage), put our bedside table lamp behind her & put the hall light on so it streamed through the door.
    - I also turned the ISO up high, hence the grainy shot ;)
    Hope that helps :)

  10. Love this picture and what you wrote! Completely understand getting frustrated sometime.

  11. I love your perspective on this one - so clever. And, Harper May - what a gorgeous name!

  12. Oh but those times will always be perfect, no matter how hard they were at the time! It's what we do as Mothers...everything is awesome and the bad isn't so magnified!
