Friday 2 March 2012

Documenting Delight: Day sixty two

Friday nights come with the family tradition of a post dinner “special treat”. Or if you are Finn, you simply name Fridays, “Special Treat Night”. As parents, Lachie and I are conscious of establishing healthy eating habits in our household. We have always followed the advice that our role as a parent of toddlers is to decide what food to serve and when to offer it, but that our children decide whether or not to eat and how much they’ll eat. Finn and Harper have both experienced fussy eating fazes but these have always passed quickly when we stick to our family food principle.

We are also aware that eating in a balanced way means that sweet foods will be part of their diet. I am quite partial to the odd Allen’s Retro Party Mix so it would be hypocritical of me to place a no-sugar stance upon my kids. We strive to set up an eating atmosphere that minimises these foods but we feel that putting a total ban on them may lead them to seek sugary items out without our knowledge, possibly in an indulgent manner. Special Treat night is just one way that we highlight that sweet foods like ice-cream/ice-blocks are a “sometimes” food. They are not evil, but they are just a very small part of what makes up our healthy diet. On reflection I wish I had called this night something different as I have read that calling sweet foods “special” elevates them above healthier choices. Bugger. Finn coined onto this phrase from the first time I uttered the words so really there was no turning back.


  1. LOVE these photos!!
    I saw the comment your friend made on FB and I would LOVE you to make this full of all sorts. Like receipes, breastfeeding things, baby things, more photos of your amazing life etc. I would love to read more :)

    Avie has a real sweet tooth, and we really try to balance things. I like the friday night idea :)

  2. You are such a wonderful, thoughtful mummy. I like the Friday treat idea too, but I know it wouldn't work for us as we are not always at home on a Friday etc. Sweet treats here happen when we're at Grandmas (wonder why?!) and on weekends if we out they come in the form of ice-cream or milk-shakes etc. Also if we watch movies Hannah will often want popcorn and we might have some m&m's too :)

    You're right, it is a part of life and something they shouldn't be deprived off but allowed in an apporpriate way.

  3. great post and great policy! Lol you read my mind, i got in the habit of calling them special treats then kicked myself bc of not wanting to elevate them too much! :) ah well, we try huh! Ive always tried to call them - sometimes foods/every day foods too so lily does know which is which. great idea to have one day a week, marks mum said she did that - saturday was lolly day - and she said it helped the kids not ask all week for junk cos they knew it was a set aside day!
